Friday, April 25, 2014

A Pox On Both Their Houses

(Today's post was inspired by this article in the American Thinker.)

With the 2014 mid-term elections creeping up on us, all the pieces are -- or should be -- in place for an epic rout of the democrats. Even though obama and his minions have managed to make the public forget about his earlier scandals (Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the NSA) there are plenty of more recent ones, A short list:
  • the IRS targeting political groups that oppose the administration
  • Lois Lerner and Eric Holder being found in contempt of congress
  • Elijah Cummings and Al Sharpton's most recent scandals
  • the transition of the BLM into a paramilitary group (which raises the twin questions of one, why do government bureaucracies need MRAPs, body armor, snipers, and the like; and two, what is the proper role of the federal government in owning and managing large swaths of public land, especially in the West)
  • and, of course, the continuing and on-going flameout of obamacare
So in this target-rich environment, presiding over what has the potential to be a game-changing power shift (the republicans can increase their hold on the House and take over the Senate), why is John Boehner not pounding home these issues but instead spending his time working behind the scenes to discredit the Tea Party?

Why? Because he's a bloomin' idiot, an entrenched Washington insider, and a short-sighted selfish little man with a bad fake tan whose only concern is to kowtow to special interests and perpetuate himself in office.

If he's the best the republicans have to offer then maybe we're better off with the democrats running things.

Either way, we're screwed...

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