Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2014.03.07

Many, many years ago I spent half of a semester (don't ask) going to Southwest Texas State University, now known as Texas State University.

Regardless of the name, the school is located practically on the banks of the San Marcos River, home to some of the finest tubing in Texas.

In fact, that location was one of the main reasons I was only there for half of a semester. The following video, filmed in my old stomping grounds, is more truth than fiction...


  1. Heh, yep LOTS of truth there... :-)

  2. We attended the last ceremony of Southwest Texas State University when our son graduated.
    By the way how long did it take to get out if jail? :)

    Here's a toast to ya from Buda.

  3. Dang auto correct... of jail?

  4. NFO - I lived through it - tough duty...

    Mel/Anon- I was only in jail overnight. It was a big misunderstanding. The charges were dropped the next day. It was a long time ago. I was young and foolish.

    In the words of Bart Simpson, "I didn't do it. Nobody saw a thing. You can't prove anything."

    More seriously, I ran out of money and ambition at the same time. I also fully embraced the 'laze on the river and drink beer' lifestyle. After that abbreviated semester I joined the Army. Best thing I could have done at that point.
