Friday, February 28, 2014

Not-So-Happy Hour

We used to be the most powerful nation in the world. When U.S. presidents spoke, foreign leaders listened.

Now they just laugh and ignore us.

Russia Invades Ukraine, Obama Declares Happy Hour
Russian troops are on the move in Crimea ...

... at least five Russian transport planes landed at a military air strip near the (Crimea) regional capital late Friday... 13 Russian jumbo jets landed at Gvardeyskoye, near Simferopol, carrying an estimated 2,000 Russian paratroopers...
Ukraine airports have been closed. Telephone and Internet communications have been disrupted. Television stations have been seized.

obama's response?
The Obama administration has responded, so far, in a manner that is pathetic even by its own standards. After issuing stern warnings to Russia not to invade Crimea, the administration, confronted with the actual presence of Russian troops on the ground, philosophized about whether it was really an invasion, suggesting that a more apt term might be an “uncontested arrival.”
"uncontested arrival!?!" GMAFB.
President Obama himself, having delivered a limp warning to Vladimir Putin, decamped for a meeting of the Democratic National Committee, where he told a cheering crowd: “Well, it’s Friday, it’s after 5:00. So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic Party.”
I'm all for happy hours. But not when it looks like a regional war is on the verge of breaking out.
It is not, of course, happy hour in Ukraine, or anywhere else where people are used to counting on American leadership.
Un-friggin'-believable. We have fallen so far while that SCOAMF has been in office...


  1. barry's such a wuss he sits down to piss.

  2. Obama's a Progressive Liberal super-brat.

    Putin's an Aggressive Martial grizzly bear.

    I'd pay a lot to see them "cage-fight" to the death!
