Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Zero Tolerance

I posted something yesterday about differences between Republicans and democrats. The gist of it was that democrats talked big about helping the unfortunate, but their actions put the lie to their words.

Now we turn to the difference between parties when it comes to tolerance - or rather, the lack thereof.
Another mainstream survey from another widely-respected, non-partisan polling firm has confirmed yet again that, contrary to everything we are told, it is Republicans who are more educated on the issues, more informed on current events and more open-minded, and Democrats who demonstrate persistent ignorance of the facts, narrow-minded intolerance and contradictory logic.
Setting aside for the moment the informed/uninformed issue, let's take a closer look at who is more tolerant then who (whom?).
...recent polls and studies also show that Democrats are more likely to "unfriend," ban and/or otherwise try to silence anyone who disagrees with them on social media sites, and that they are willing to completely reverse their positions and abandon their own arguments to gain partisan power.

"...A March 12 Pew study showed that Democrats are far more likely than conservatives to disconnect from people who disagree with them. 'In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS [social networking sites] because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates,' said the report, tiled 'Social networking sites and politics.'

The report also noted that 11 percent of liberals, but only 4 percent of conservatives, deleted friends from their social networks after disagreeing with their politics."
Not exactly news to anyone who's been paying attention.

To put a face on these studies, look no farther than state Senator Irene Aguilar (D - Colorado)

For crime of hanging out with a Republican, Democratic state senator fires staffer
A recent college graduate and aide to Colorado state Senator Irene Aguilar was fired from his job because he visited the office of a friend who worked for a Republican.

Tyler Drum, now unemployed, has lost some of his faith in the Democratic Party.
"...has lost some of his faith in the Democratic Party" Some?!? Only SOME...?
“Now I’m a disenchanted Democrat,” he said. “This was my first job after graduating, [the Democrats] don’t care about my situation, they don’t care to know who I am.”

Drum explained that he was recommended for the position via a mutual contact. He had previously interned for Democratic State Senator Andy Kerr. When Aguilar hired him, she said her only reservation was that he had previously interned with the Log Cabin Republicans, a group for gay conservatives. Drum said he was raised Republican but became a Democrat in recent years — an answer that satisfied Aguilar, for the time being.

But last week, during an orientation for legislative aides, Drum chose to sit with friends from previous internships, one of whom was a Republican.

Later, Drum thought it would be perfectly reasonable to introduce his Republican friend to his new co-workers, which included Aguilar. But soon after he did so, the Democratic state senator pulled him out of the orientation session and said, “the Democratic Leadership was uncomfortable with [his] friendship with [the Republican aide].”

“The Democratic Party is not as tolerant and accepting as I had thought...” (Drum said).
Welcome to the real world.

Reminds me of the story about when obama was looking for the “First Dog.”
He met a man with a litter of beautiful puppies. He asked the man "What kind of puppies are these?"

The man answered, "They are democrat puppies, Mr. President."

barry was thrilled. A week later, he brought his wife back to look at the puppies.

Naturally she asked, "What kind of puppies are these?"

The man answered, "They are republicans."

barry was shocked. He exclaimed "What? Last week you told me these puppies were democrats."

The man answered, "Well, I was telling you the truth. Last week they were democrats. But this week they've opened their eyes and are now republicans."