Monday, January 13, 2014

Mountains And Molehills

Democrats and the media are falling all over themselves to investigate crucify Chris Christie for all sorts of offenses, real and imagined.
CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used some of (Superstorm Sandy relief funds) to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.

The news couldn't come at a worse time for the embattled Republican, who is facing two probes in New Jersey of whether his staff orchestrated traffic gridlock near the country's busiest bridge to punish a Democratic mayor who refused to endorse his re-election.
Unfortunately for the scalp-hunters, the TV ads that they're so upset about were in fact approved by the obama administration.
Aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are pointing out that the Obama administration approved of the New Jersey tourism ads starring Christie and his family that a Democratic congressman has encouraged federal investigators to probe.
Of course, that won't stop the attack dogs unleashed by the dems.

I'm not a Christie fan. I think the guy is an opportunistic RINO who is also a bit of a bully. But the obvious bias and hypocrisy shown by the media in making a mountain out of a molehill in this case, while ignoring the Everest-sized scandals perpetrated by obama, is shocking, staggering, and sickening.

But, sadly, not surprising...

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