Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Zero Tolerance

I posted something a few days ago highlighting how liberals preach tolerance, but fail to practice what they preach. Here's some more examples of tolerance in action from the libs.

Conservative Latinas need not apply here

Maria Conchita Alonso is a Hispanic actress. She is – or rather, was – appearing in a Spanish-language production of “The Vagina Monologues” in San Francisco. Her sin? Supporting a conservative candidate for governor.
“We really can't have her in the show, unfortunately,” producer Eliana Lopez told KPIX5. And: “Of course she has the right to say whatever she wants… (But) Doing what she is doing is against what we believe.”
So much for tolerance, diversity, and an open exchange of ideas.

Speaking of 'conservatives need not apply', there was this pronouncement from the governor of New York.

Cuomo doesn't want conservatives in New York
“Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are.” Only “moderate Republicans have a place in this state.”
Can you imagine the outcry if Rick Perry said "pro-abortion, pro-gun control gay rights advocates have no place in the state of Texas"? Liberal heads would explode.

Finally, wrap your mind around this nonsense.

Perverse hostility to "Lone Survivor"
The movie “Lone Survivor” didn't get any Oscar nominations. If it had, perhaps it should have been nominated for Most Unlikely Politically Incorrect Picture of the Year. (For the uninitiated, a spoiler follows in the next paragraph.)

It's based on the true story of a mission in Afghanistan that goes disastrously wrong. A four-man team of Navy SEALs hunting down a Taliban commander is stumbled upon by a couple of goatherds in the mountains of Kunar province. Deciding to let them go, even though it will compromise them, the SEALs are subsequently outnumbered in a fierce firefight. Three of them are killed, and a Chinook helicopter attempting to relieve them is downed, killing another 16 Americans. The only survivor is a SEAL named Marcus Luttrell (played by Mark Wahlberg) who wrote a book about the mission.
I can live with the film not getting any Oscar nominations. What I don't get is the liberal criticism of it.
A reviewer in The Atlantic worries that movies like “Lone Survivor” “resemble multimillion dollar recruitment videos — tools of military indoctrination geared toward the young and the impressionable...”

A writer in Salon complains that the targeted Taliban commander “is presented as a terrible guy,” and we don't learn enough about the Taliban fighters attacking the SEALs, or as he calls them, “some dudes from an Afghan village about whom we know nothing.” Yes, if only we knew whether or not the Taliban commander, Ahmad Shah, had a troubled upbringing, that would change everything. Perhaps the Taliban version of the movie could present fuller, more sympathetic portraits of its fighters seeking to plunge their country into renewed medieval darkness — if, that is, the Taliban believed in movies.

In perhaps the most preposterous critique, a critic in LA Weekly says the attitude of the SEALs in the movie is “Brown people bad, American people good.” What a stupid smear. The proximate cause of the impossible situation of the SEALs is precisely their decision to let a few unarmed “brown people” go. Besides, not all “brown people” in the film are bad. Some of them are awe-inspiringly merciful and brave. Of course, the main thrust of the Taliban's war is against other “brown people,” whom they intimidate and kill.
Fortunately, the American public has more common sense than the liberal critics. “Lone Survivor” is a box office smash. People are voting with their feet - and wallets.

So there you have it. In the liberal worldview, tolerance is defined as 'you must tolerate me if my opinions differ from yours, but I don't have to tolerate you.'

Shades of "Animal Farm"...


  1. Didn't see the movie YET, but I read the book. Outstanding real life heroics we have learned to expect from ALL of our Military men and women.

    Liberal reviewers are just following their long time ideology and spewing their usual progressive crap.

    Ernie Pyle (God Bless Him) is turning over in his grave right now.

  2. Not just turning over but spinning at several hundred RPMs...

  3. Concur on Pyle spinning at high RPM... sigh
