Thursday, January 2, 2014

For Harper

Harper is having trouble with her bank. This post is for her.


  1. CTT I have disagree. The way she wrote about her bank the text would read "we just dropped your credit limit to $50.00. FU!"

    I know what she's going through; I've had 7 cards in the last three years. Everyone I told had a good laugh (but me).

    Hee Haw!

  2. Mel, you're right that it's funny to everyone but the person going through it. And while the graphic may not be directly applicable to Harper's situation, when I ran across it I immediately thought of her. I figured she'd appreciate it.


  3. She might appreciate it after a month or two. When a local bank pissed me off (like she is) it took three months to change over all ach deposits and debits to the cu I'm with now. For that I truly sympathize with her.

    When my cards were cancelled I only had to make two phone calls to update a new number. When one was cancelled between Thanksgiving and Christmas they did overnight the card.

    I wish her the best of luck for an easy transition.

  4. Yeah, it's been a real laugh fest!

    Now I get to contact three online retailers and figure out where the hell the money for my returns went, since they credited it to a card that no longer exists.

    And I have to remember every friggin' autopay situation that has my old account number. A friend at work just got nailed for a late fee at his self storage unit because he forgot to contact them with his new card number. The end cost of this debacle will be staggering...even if no one ever gets their identity stolen.

  5. Sounds like the whole mess is being run by the government.
