Saturday, January 4, 2014

Family Pride

Hunting season in our neck of the woods comes to a close tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to go as much as I wanted to this year. However, I was able to be there when the grandkids harvested a couple of nice bucks. It was the first deer for the granddaughter, and the first good buck for the grandson. Makes me proud to know that they can handle firearms responsibly, shoot accurately, and process game.

Maybe there's hope for the future after all.


  1. Shooters, indeed. Looks like they were taken with the same gun, too. Kudos to the kids!

  2. Good eye, Bear. They share a 243. I'm thinking of getting the boy a 270 for his birthday this year. I have one and I think it's the best general purpose caliber for North American game, up to and including elk.

  3. I've always been an 'ought-six kinda guy myself, but I don't have anything bad to say about the 270. Solid ballistics, produced by damn near every manufacturer and a variety of readily available ammo... all very endearing qualities in the gun world. Good choice for the lad:)
