Wednesday, December 18, 2013


George Orwell is alive and well, and editing the Denver Post.

Orwell, of course, was the British author who wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four. In that classic, he introduced Newspeak, "a controlled language created by the totalitarian state as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime..."

Evidently the Denver Post considers truth to be an enemy of the gun-control aims of the current regime we are suffering under.

Newspaper Removes 'Socialist' Description of Accused Arapahoe High School Shooter
An article originally published at the Denver Post on Friday cited a classmate who described Karl Pierson, the alleged Arapahoe High School shooter, as a “very opinionated Socialist.” But the paper edited the article since it was first published, scrubbing the reference to socialism...

“Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist,” the Post originally said.

But in a move reminiscent of George Orwell’s “1984,” the description was removed.

The article now says: "Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with Pierson, described him as very opinionated."
Would the paper have made the same change if the shooter was described as "a very opinionated Conservative"?

I think we all know the answer to that one...

* Also from Nineteen Eighty-Four, "thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party."

We obviously don't have to worry about the MSM committing thoughtcrime.


  1. We're ALL guilty... They zez so...

  2. The Putz has been a left wing rag for years. Has a circulation of 500,000 in a state of 5,100,000. The editors think they are "king makers." If it weren't for car dealers and furniture dealers, they wouldn't have enough revenue to stay open.

  3. NFO - and they're never wrong, are they...

    WSF - Unfortunately, low circulation or not, the Post is typical of the many left wing rags out there.
