Monday, December 30, 2013

FOD 2013.12.30

obama is away on vacation wasting taxpayer money in Hawaii. Yet he still managed to be in the news, thanks mostly to his monumental screw-ups. Here's a mini-syonpsis of the past week.

Speaking of obama's vacation, Pat Sajak nailed it with this tweet.
"Fewer speeches, no press conferences, fewer decrees. Never thought I'd find someone else's vacation so relaxing."
Unfortunately, some of the messes barry made before he left town are coming back to haunt him - and us.

Surprise! Iran building better centrifuges
Do we wonder what the Iranians think of President Obama?

If they think about him at all, they are probably laughing up their sleeves. The government announced that they are constructing the next generation of centrifuges - the machines that spin uranium thousands of times a second in order to enrich the ore, turning U-235 into U-238.

Um...isn't that in violation of the agreement President Obama was crowing about a few weeks ago?
Sure it is. And it doesn't surprise anyone with half a brain - which leaves out the loser-in-chief and his advisors.

Next topic: for someone who is reputed to be a former constitutional law professor, our barry sure has a lot to learn about 'the law of the land.'

obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013
One of Barack Obama’s chief accomplishments has been to return the Constitution to a central place in our public discourse.

Unfortunately, the president fomented this upswing in civic interest not by talking up the constitutional aspects of his policy agenda, but by blatantly violating the strictures of our founding document.
The Constitution isn't the only thing barry has broken. He's also pretty good at breaking his promises.

Ten Broken obamacare Promises
Since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, many of the President’s famous promises have been routinely broken. As he so ironically threatened in 2009, “If you misrepresent what’s in this plan, we will call you out.”  To that end, here are 10 promises of Obamacare that have already proved to be broken.
Here's a story with tragic consequences that will hit home with many of us.

Shades of Vietnam: Spike in U.S. troop deaths tied to stricter rules of engagement
“It is no accident nor a coincidence that from January 2009 to August of 2010, coinciding with the Obama/McChrystal radical change of the [rules of engagement], casualties more than doubled,” Mr. Simmons said. “The carnage will certainly continue as the already fragile and ineffective [rules] have been further weakened by the Obama administration as if they were playground rules.”
We now have lawyers making tactical decisions about when it is acceptable for our troops to defend themselves, return fire, and call in air strikes. Crazy...

I've run out of words to describe what obama is doing to our country. The best I can do is the image below.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't that last one the damn truth... And no kisses either...
