Monday, December 23, 2013

FOD 2013.12.23

In keeping with the spirit of the season, I bring tidings of comfort and joy to non-democrats. Well, I don't actually bring them. They come to us courtesy of barack obama and his gift that just keeps on giving - obamacare.

obamacare may be a gift to GOP politicians, but it's a lump of coal in America's stocking.
The mess that is Obamacare is a gift to Republicans, and one that can’t be returned...

No amount of holly and mistletoe will make up for the bad news most Americans are hearing, and will continue to hear, about their healthcare insurance...

Like an Advent calendar, Obamacare reveals a new wonder almost every day...
The most recent, of course, was the announcement that obama was granting "hardship" exemptions from obamacare's individual mandate to people whose policies had been cancelled because of obamacare - "the “hardship,” in this case, being ObamaCare itself."
The president’s “fixes” for the law he now acknowledges is creating “hardship” are intended to relieve that hardship, but the sheer number of them and the confusion they cause are going to limit their effect.

Do you need to comply with ObamaCare? Well, that depends on which part of the “law” you’re referring to and also on Obama’s mood, for in his mind, he is the state. Health-care hardship for millions, economic disarray, the redefinition of executive power to include the whims of the president–ObamaCare’s legacy grows more troubling by the day.
If you're interested in the gory details of barry's "improvisational approach" to impementing obamacare, here's links to two very good articles on the subjcet.
Insurance Mandate, 'Unaffordable' Exchanges

Obamacare Is Falling Apart Before Our Eyes
But rather than flay the liar-in-chief and his bumbling stooges with the thousand knives of detailed obamacare failures, I'd rather skewer him on the spit of ridicule. Take three minutes to watch the video below. If the obama administration was half this clever and professional obamacare would be up and running by now.


  1. Ah yes, the Capitol Steps... Great folks and great at skewing the high and mighty...
