Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Don't Help Me, Boy

Remember the old Beverly Hillbillies TV show?

One of its most memorable lines was Uncle Jed telling Jethro "Don't help me, boy."

That line is so very applicable to the federal government. Case in point: the obama administration just lost $10.5 B on a $49.5 B investment.
The U.S. government ended up losing $10.5 billion on the General Motors bailout...

The Treasury Department sold its final shares of the Detroit auto giant on Monday, recovering $39 billion of the $49.5 billion it spent to save the dying automaker at the height of the financial crisis five years ago.
Of course, to hear obama and his drones tell it, things would have been much worse without the government largess.
Without the bailout, the country would have lost more than a million jobs, and the economy could have slipped from recession into a depression, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said on a conference call with reporters.
Yeah, right...
GM went through bankruptcy protection in 2009 and was cleansed of most of its huge debt, while stockholders lost their investments...
So the unions made out okay, while the investors lost their shirts. Guess which block of voters voted for which party.

And we are relying on these clowns to manage health care for our country...? 

What a crock of shit.


  1. Yep, and now the GM retirees are apparently going to get pennies on the dollar of their pensions...

  2. That's what they get for supporting the liar-in-chief...
