Monday, November 25, 2013

FOD 2013.11.25

Just when you think you've seen/heard it all...
In an interview on BET (Black Entertainment Television) last night with Bow Wow (Bow Wow?!? Who/what the fuck is Bow Wow? Is that a person or a dog?) and Keshia Chante, First Lady Michelle Obama talked up her husband, President Barack Obama. "I always say my husband has got swag," said Mrs. Obama...
Swag?!? Again, WTF is swag? According to Google, "swag" is either "an ornamental festoon of flowers, fruit, and greenery" or "money or goods taken by a thief or burglar." Both of those definitions are applicable to barry, but somehow I don't think that's what Chewbacca Michelle meant.
Mrs. Obama also said that the president of the United States "sings all the time." She continued, "Oh, yes, he’s in the bathroom all the time just singing."
So that's how the liar-in-chief spends his time - singing in the bathroom? I guess it's either that or playing golf (or basketball).

We are so doomed until we get rid of this SCoaMF...


  1. I'm glad I 'missed' that interview... I'd hate to have to pay for a TV in the hotel.. :-)
