Thursday, October 17, 2013

Told You So

When this shutdown farce started I predicted that the republicans would fold like a cheap plastic chair when a fat woman sits in it.

Turns out I was right.
"We fought the good fight; we just didn't win," Boehner told a radio station in his home state of Ohio in reference to GOP efforts to dismantle or defund President Barack Obama's signature health care reforms and extract deficit reduction concessions around the need to fund the government and raise the federal borrowing limit.

...the Senate deal under discussion would reopen the government by funding it until January 15. It also would raise the debt limit until February 7 to avert a possible default on U.S. debt obligations for the first time. It includes a provision to provide back pay to furloughed federal workers...
The dems get what they wanted. The repubs get nothing, except a heaping helping of blame for the shutdown and scorn for their lack of cojones. The American people get nothing except a failed healthcare system and more debt piled on top of an already unsustainable burden.

Anyone with half a brain could have seen this coming.

Of course, all this deal does is kick the can down the road for a few months. That means we get to go through this nonsense again early next year.

I can hardly wait...


  1. Don't give up hope! They'll fight, then cave on the immigration bill just in time to go home for the holidays. To hell with investigating obamacare and the illegal waivers Obama granted.
    When they come back in January they fight harder to repeal obamacare after it's in effect.
    End of sarcasm.

  2. For the first time, I'm beginning to lose hope...

  3. Forgot to add thanks on the first post, so thanks.
    Hang on to your hope for another year. This charade woke a lot of people up and (just maybe) those who sat out the last election will get off their duffs and vote.
    If that fails I'll mourn over a beer with you.
