Saturday, September 28, 2013

Preaching To The Choir

When it comes to obamacare, the White House is employing the Groucho Marx defense: "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"
White House spokesman Jay Carney denied the evidence that Obamacare is inflicting economic harm, and dismissed the proliferating data as mere anecdotes or as normal churn in the economy.

“The aggregate truth … does not bear out claims that the Affordable Care Act is causing employers to drop employees from insurance,” he told skeptical reporters at the daily White House briefing Thursday.
“You have anecdotes… There is no systematic evidence… That has not been happening across the country in any systematic way,” he insisted.
Well, here's an anecdote for that lying little weasel.
Workers in low-wage industries clocked the shortest average workweek on record in July, new Labor Department data show.

Have you heard anything about this in the so-called mainstream media?

I didn't think so...


  1. Yep, I believe my lyin eyes... again...

  2. Facts mean nothing to those people ... and their accomplices in the media.

