Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hillary Update

Terrorist activity has caused the democrats to take measures in order to protect their presumed candidate for the 2016 presidential race.

For security reasons, hillary will now be referred to by her new muslim name:
Seldom Bin Layed

On a more serious note, hillary has been MIA in the ongoing discussion about Syria. I wonder why...
One voice in Washington that has been remarkably absent from this week’s Syria debate has been that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Mrs. Clinton hasn’t said anything at all about President Obama’s plans for military strikes against the dictatorship in Damascus. As someone who dominated the US foreign policy landscape over the past four years, Clinton’s silence on Syria is striking. What explains this?

I suspect a number of factors are behind Hillary Clinton’s reticence. Firstly, a US military intervention in the Syrian civil war is strongly opposed by the vast majority of the American public. A recent poll showed just nine percent of Americans backing US military involvement. She probably doesn’t see another war in the Muslim world as a vote winner in 2016. Secondly, she may well be harbouring doubts over the White House approach, which beyond the talk of airstrikes, lacks a coherent strategy, and the president hasn’t exactly made a clear-cut case that taking America to war in Syria is in the national interest. Thirdly, as “the Obama doctrine” goes down in flames in the Middle East, from Damascus to Cairo, Clinton will be nervous about being seen as part and parcel of it, which of course she is.

Fourthly, Clinton’s own track record on Syria has hardly been stellar. Before Syria descended into war, Clinton was a strong backer of engagement with Syria, greatly underestimating the nature of the Baathist regime, famously referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as a “reformer” in April 2011. In addition, as Washington’s most senior foreign policy official, Clinton did little to stand up to Moscow’s aggressive support for the Syrians, eager to appease the Russians through the controversial “reset” strategy, which was her own brainchild. In addition, the Secretary of State was weak in the face of Iran, whose military and financial backing for the Assad regime has been vital to its survival.

Against this backdrop it’s not hard to see why Hillary Clinton isn’t at the forefront of the Syria debate. Her own handling of the Syria crisis was a spectacular failure, as has been President Obama's. The last thing she needs in the lead-up to her inevitable White House run is a reminder to Americans of her poor track record as Secretary of State, from the Syrian debacle to the farcical Russian reset. Syria is a liability for Clinton in 2016, and with good reason she is nervous about what happens next.
She may very well be nervous about what happens next. She damn sure should be, since she's in it up to her wrinkled saggy neck and beady little lying eyes. But as we've seen repeatedly in the past, she is sure to get a pass from her adoring fans in the mainstream media. By the time 2016 rolls around, everyone posing as a newspaper or television journalist will have forgotten all about Libya and Syria.


  1. ON the money as usual sir! And I'm betting her 'handlers' are hogtying her in some basement to keep her quiet and out of sight.

  2. The women is a menace, and unfortunately our next Presidentcess.
    The uninformed will vote for her - 1. because she is a democrat that will ensure the free stuff. 2. She's a women, and like electing the first black, they libs want another moment.
    3. The MSM will turn their collective heads on all of the scandals, even though it was her decisions that lead to the death of Americans.

    We fell off the slippery slope when we elected Obama for a second term. And his policies and EO's have all but assured the majority of the minority vote. Who lives in the urban areas that pack most of the electoral votes? Yep, minorities.
    We are doomed.

  3. NFO - I wish she could be kept quiet and out of sight...

    Jeff - You may be right, but I keep having this dream where enough people wake up and see how Obama is ruining this country, and vote the bastards out in 2014 and 2016.

    Call me a foolish optimist...

  4. NFO - I wish she could be kept quiet and out of sight...

    Jeff - You may be right, but I keep having this dream where enough people wake up and see how Obama is ruining this country, and vote the bastards out in 2014 and 2016.

    Call me a foolish optimist...

  5. I had my heart broken and optimism crushed November 2012. And I fear it was just the beginning.

    I pray your optimism pays off.
