Monday, September 2, 2013

FOD 2013.09.02

You can't make this stuff up.

President Obama Announces Next Steps on Syria, Heads to Golf Course
Roughly half an hour after announcing his administration would seek congressional approval for military intervention in Syria’s civil war, President Obama left the White House for the golf course.

The following images are courtesy of Jeff at A Nod To The Gods:


  1. All of those are on the money, and once again the military are pawns in the administration's decisions...

  2. Isn't it ironic that the obama administration is using the military to protect people that hate America?

  3. Lotsa rumors floating around on the intranet. Who would gain by the Syrian regime going down, why would republican congressman be pushing a strike? Why would an American president, in his right mind,back rebels who have been inundated with Al queda factions?
    Follow the money. Rumors are rumors, but from what I am reading, the Saudi's want Assad ousted and paid a group to release chemical weapons and blame the Syrian regime. Just sayin, who is getting paid here? I hear it is in the billions from Saudi oil money to certain politicians. If this is true, we have reached a point of no return. Get ready for WWIII.

  4. Jeff - like you said, cui bono (who benefits)? I don't see what Assad had to gain by using gas on territory that he already mostly controlled, and where his own troops would be affected. Something certainly stinks over there.

    That's why I like the "build a giant wall around the place and let 'em fight it out among themselves" option.

    And then nuke the winners...

  5. Tim - I like it, especially the end.


  6. @jeff you can start here:
    The congressional votes should be telling but sometimes a pattern takes years

  7. Third News - nice reference. What struck me is how many of the big firms give money to both sides. If they keep doing that things will never change.
