Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Home From The Range

Back home after 10 glorious days in the Wyoming mountains. No TV, no Internet, no cell phones - nothing to do but eat, drink, ride horses, and sleep. In fact, our daily schedule went like this.
  • Wake up.
  • Eat.
  • Ride.
  • Eat.
  • Nap.
  • Eat.
  • Ride.
  • Drink.
  • Sleep.
  • Repeat.
Once in a while we'd go into town for 'supplies' (supplies = alcohol and munchies). In the absence of the digitally connected world, we spent time actually having conversations with people. We caught up with old friends, swapped stories, and solved the world's problems. What a concept!

The weather was great - highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s, and humidity below 40%. It got so chilly one night that we built a fire in the cabin.

Now we're back in Central Texas, where the high has been over 100 for 10 straight days, and the forecast is for more of the same. I've got 600+ emails waiting in my in-box, the lawn needs mowing, there's a backlog of maintenance items and other things on my to-do list, and the mailbox is full of bills.

And there's no beer in the fridge.

Why on earth did I come back?


  1. Heh, enjoy that retirement thing.

  2. Sell the house and go on another vacation trip!

  3. Buy a Winnebago Motorhome. Travel the country 6 months and spend the other at home in Texas.

    Don't forget the obligatory (18 x 6 inch) bumper sticker: "Spending my kid's inheritance".

  4. NFO - yeah, me neither.

    Harper - It's great. You ought to give it a try...

    Mel and Toejam - we've got one more kid at home, but she goes off to college next year. I'm trying to convince my wife to sell the place when she does and buy an RV, but I doubt that's going to happen. The alternative is to keep the house and buy a tent for traveling, but I can guarantee that ain't gonna happen.

  5. I've gone camping in tents, slide in campers, motorhomes and even spending the week in the boat. That was with my first wife that passed in 2001. My current wife likes the luxury of hotels. Pick a chain or two and join their priority club rewards programs. On our last trip we had one night free.

  6. Also it eliminates the work and upkeep. The money saved on insurance and Maintence paid for a weeks trip. Mel

  7. Hey Mel -

    You don't have to sell me. I'm all for it. Maybe I should give you my wife's email address... :-)
