Monday, August 12, 2013

FOD 2013.08.12

Today, for your reading enjoyment, we provide a potpourri of items dedicated to the loser currently driving our country into the ground.

1.  Remember obama's 2012 campaign slogan: "General Motors is alive and Osama bin Laden is dead"?

Well, here's an updated version.

2.  And of course, most of us are aware of obama's latest gaffe in which he once again displayed his ignorance of American geography:
"If we don’t deepen our ports all along the Gulf — places like Charleston, South Carolina, or Savannah, Georgia, or Jacksonville, Florida..."
As many have noted, those ports are on the Atlantic Ocean, not the Gulf of Mexico.

(H/T to Jeff for the image.)

But not to worry, obama fans. The mainstream media organization formerly known as the Associated Press, but which nowadays goes by the more appropriate Administration Press, immediately sprang into action by covering up for their man.
On Thursday, the Associated Press admitted inserting text in an Obama quote in which the president claimed Atlantic ports were in the Gulf of Mexico...

"In an Aug. 7 story on President Barack Obama's comments on the need to deepen U.S. harbors, The Associated Press wrongly inserted an interpretive phrase in parentheses into a quote by Obama," the AP said.

The revised quote ('interpretive phrase' is bolded): "If we don’t deepen our ports all along the Gulf – (and in) places like Charleston, S.C., or Savannah, Ga., or Jacksonville, Florida..."
So much for journalism.

3.  While we're on the subject of gaffes, here's a video that will amuse and entertain you.

4. Finally, for a revealing insight into obama's "bending of language to fit a political need" (examples below), I urge you read Charles Krauthammer's recent column.

After wading through all this nonsense, I feel the need for some 'coffee' ... lots and lots of 'coffee.'


  1. Sigh... and that train just keeps on rolling...

  2. The Libtards were merciless when it came to "Bushisms".

    They pummelled him mercilessly in the media for simple mistakes and slips of the tongue.

    But the Messiah gets "zip" negative comments.

    You're the academic CTT you tell me if that's not a symptom of degenerate cultural bullying?

  3. NFO - Yes it does. Let's just hope it jumps the track sometime soon.

    Toejam - bullying, bias, blinders ... all of the above...
