Friday, August 16, 2013

Bodies Are Still Piling Up

Just when the public's outrage over obama's four 'phony scandals' (IRS, AP, NSA, Benghazi) is beginning to ebb (not because the scandals aren't, well, scandalous, but because the public has a limited attention span), a scandal from the past has re-emerged with a vengeance.

A recent report indicates that weapons from the obama administration's botched gun-running operation -- Fast and Furious --  are still turning up at murder scenes. In the most recent incident:
(A Mexican police chief) was shot to death ... when gunmen opened fire on his patrol car. One bodyguard was killed and the chief’s wife and a second bodyguard wounded.
Other notable killings where Fast and Furious weapons were used include:
  • a shootout between a Mexican drug cartel and soldiers where a beauty queen was killed.
  • the murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata.
  • the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, shot by illegal immigrants who were smuggling drugs.
Officials (in Mexico) have attributed more than 200 deaths to Fast and Furious weapons. It's safe to say that's an understatement. It's also safe to say that there will be more.

The shame is that all of those second-term Obama administration scandals have shoved aside the first-term scandals - especially Fast and Furious. It's worth noting that, in addition to all those pesky dead bodies, Fast and Furious included an internal Justice Department whitewash of Eric Holder (the DOJ investigating the head of the DOJ? Yeah, right...), a Contempt of Congress citation slapped on Holder (I actually agree with him on this. I am contemptuous of congress also. But I digress...), and obama trying to cover up the whole sordid affair by playing the Executive Privilege card.

Americans, meanwhile, are left to wonder whatever happened with that ATF gun-walking fiasco, reminded only periodically when another Fast and Furious weapon surfaces long enough to leave someone else dead.

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