Tuesday, July 16, 2013

World Tour Update - Final

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - Some numbers from our trip Down Under: 

32 - days on the road
10 - different hotels stayed at
10 - plane flights
6 - boat trips
1 - jet boat trip
6 - bus rides
2 - train rides
2 - helicopter flights
2 - rental cars
16 - flights of stairs climbed when the elevator (lift) was out of order (twice...with luggage)
many - taxi rides
uncounted - miles walked
fuzzy - number of pubs and vineyards visited
34 - souvenir t-shirts purchased
1 - kangaroo scrotum keychain purchased (what can I say - we have a teen-age son who thinks the 3 Stooges are sophisticated humor)


  1. Was wondering who bought the last one of those... I 'owe' a couple of people those keychains... :-)

  2. What?

    No "hot-air" balloon rides?

  3. No hot-air balloon rides. There's a shortage of hot air in Australia. Seems the left-wing commentators on the Zimmerman trial have used most of it up...

  4. HEH,

    Don't forget all those mobs of middle class white folks that rioted, looted and burned down the whole city of LA (good riddence) when OJ Simpson was sprung.

    I think the hate-speach incitement by Billy Graham started it.
