Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thoughts On The George Zimmerman Trial

George Zimmerman is an irresponsible idiot, but he's not a murderer.

Trayvon Martin was an irresponsible idiot, but he didn't deserve to die.

The judge and the prosecutor are irresponsible idiots. They're also spineless pawns who caved in to political pressure.

The people who brought the political pressure are irresponsible idiots who used this tragic affair to advance their agenda. Shame on them.

Bottom line: one person is dead, another person's life is ruined. People in this country are even more polarized by race than they were before. And I'm even more disgusted by the special interest groups and individuals who shamelessly used this tragedy to advance their agenda.

It's pretty damn early in the morning, but I'm tempted to go add some whiskey to my coffee...


  1. Heard ALL that... and agree, if I had anything beside Scotch, which I am NOT about to waste on coffee...

  2. Save the good stuff for good news, not this travesty.
