Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Sky Is Falling

You think you've had a bad day? I guarantee it's nothing compared to what happened to Joao Maria de Souza.
A one-and-a-half ton cow came crashing through the roof of a home in Brazil, crushing a sleeping man who later died of his injuries.

The man’s wife was also in bed with him, but the bovine narrowly missed slamming into her.
The cow apparently escaped from a neighboring pasture. It was grazing on a hill above the man's home when it fell through the roof and landed right on him. Adding to the tragicomedic aspects of the events are comments from the dead man's relatives.
“Being crushed by a cow is the last way you expect to leave this Earth,” de Souza’s brother-in-law said.
Can't argue with that.
 “I didn’t bring my son up to be killed by a falling cow,” said de Souva's mother.
What mother does?

And just when you think it can't get more absurd, Brazilian authorities stated that the owner of the cow could be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

You can't make stuff like this up.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the stranger ones, no question... I can see trying to explain THAT to St. Peter!
