Thursday, June 13, 2013

World Tour Update #1

Impressions of Sydney
  • first impression - reminded me of Houston
As we were approaching the airport we flew over a refinery and a tank farm.  Once we landed we became caught up in heavy traffic. The road was crowded, dirty, and covered with graffiti.
  • Rained heavily the first day here. Second day was gorgeous - clear sunny skies, temperature near 80.
  •  Lots of different types of people here - native Aussies, Indians (dots on the forehead Indians, not bow and arrow Indians), middle Eastern types, Germans, French, tourists, and Asians - lots and lots of Asians. Very international/cosmopolitan.
  • Great pubs. I've lived in them for lunch and dinner - and the beer is wonderful.
  • The people are likewise wonderful. Extremely warm and welcoming. We feel very much at home here.
Bottom line - great city, great people, great pub grub and beer. If you ever get the chance to come here I highly recommend it.

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