Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kindergarten Cops

What a sad commentary on our times...
The words "kindergarten graduation" usually evoke images of tearful parents taking pictures of cute kids in pint-sized graduation caps and gowns.

But for students and parents at Michael R. White Elementary School in Cleveland, "kindergarten graduation" might now conjure images of "aggravated rioting."

This, after eight individuals were arrested Friday morning after a fight near the end of the school's graduation ceremony.

Cleveland Police Commander Wayne Drummond was one of the first responding officers to the scene.

He told CNN affiliate WEWS that the initial feud prompted family members on both sides to get involved.

"It's an absolute shame," said Drummond. "That something as good as a graduation ceremony, a promotion ceremony, is marred by the actions of a few."
First of all, a graduation from kindergarten?!? Just another example of the trophy generation mindset that has inflated the expectations of so many young people.
Now what happens when these trophy kids arrive in the workplace with greater expectations than any generation before them? "Their attitude is always 'What are you going to give me,' " says Natalie Griffith, manager of human-resource programs at Eaton Corp. "It's not necessarily arrogance; it's simply their mindset."
But moving beyond that, what sort of people barbarians can't behave themselves long enough to allow a bunch of 5-year-olds to enjoy a brief moment in the sun?


  1. Feral, adult Obama voters.

    We're doomed!

  2. Toejam nailed it... And this is becoming the NORM rather than the exception!

  3. You know, I had originally ended this post by answering that question with just those words - "obama voters." But I deleted it at the last minute because the people involved were, in fact, black, and I didn't want to be accused of stereotyping.

    I should have stuck with my first impulse and included that statement. That's what I get for trying to be politically correct. Thanks to you two for straightening me out.
