Monday, June 10, 2013

FOD 2013.06.10

I never did buy into the whole "obama is a gifted orator" story. If you've ever watched one of his press conferences, you know that he is incapable of giving a simple, straightforward answer to a question. Take away his teleprompter or his script and the guy is at a complete loss for words. He stutters, stammers, hems and haws like a first-time public speaker.

Here's the latest example.
President Obama strolled out to the podium today in San Jose, CA and was immediately at a loss for words. Not only did the President not have teleprompter, his aides forgot his speech.

“My remarks are not sitting here,” the President declared awkwardly.  “I’m uhhh….people….oh goodness….uhhhh...folks are sweating back there right now.”

President Obama, who’s often mocked for an over-reliance on scripts, shifted uncomfortably smiling for several moments buying time. An aide sprinted out with a hard copy of the speech, tripping at one point, adding to the drama.


  1. Your correct, CTT

    Obama is a stuttering buffoon without a teleprompter or at least his script on paper.

    I watched the California piece where his paper "notes" weren't on the lectern.

    By the look on his face I bet the person who forgot to put them there is looking for another job.


    I almost typed "baboon" instead of buffoon. Would that have been a Freudian racist slip?

    Good thing I caught it cause my keystrokes are probably being monitored by some dude at a drone control console right now.

  2. I'm sorry, but that is just FUNNY! Although I do feel for the poor schmuck that is out of a job because of it...

  3. Toejam - Baboon is a combination of babbling buffon. It is not a racist term.

    But the drone dude is still watching you...

    NFO - funny, typical, and revealing. Altho if obama fired everyone who screwed up, D.C. would be awfully empty.

  4. I doubt the aide was fired. If history teaches us anything about Obamas administration...screw up...get a promotion.
    The aide who forgot the speech is probably headed to the IRS, EPA, or NSA as with a new title and a six figure salary.

  5. Jeff - or maybe the next attorney general. Forgetfulness seems to be a requirement for that job.

  6. I disagree about him not being a great orator, he is a wonderful speaker, when he speaks from the heart and doesn't have to lie his face off.
