Monday, June 3, 2013

FOD 2013.05.03

A few random thoughts on obama's role in addressing illegal immigration.

First of all, we can rest assured that obama will treat any new immigration legislation with the sincerity, objectivity, and integrity he has shown in enforcing existing laws.
A federal judge said this week that the Obama administration is likely violating the law by telling immigration agents and officers not to arrest illegal immigrants they deem low priority, in a case that could upend President Obama’s enforcement policy.

For the last several years the administration has said it will no longer arrest most illegal immigrants, arguing it wants to focus only on those with serious criminal records or gang ties. The Homeland Security department said it was using “prosecutorial discretion.”
And what happens when we leave it up to the discretion of DHS?

ICE admits hundreds of illegal immigrants with criminal records released
Hundreds of illegal immigrants with criminal records were released earlier this year as the Obama administration prepared for budget cuts, according to newly released data that challenged claims the program involved "low-risk" individuals.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement released the figures to two top senators, after a three-month delay and under the threat of congressional subpoenas.
Apparently, it's a matter of priorities.
President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met with three illegal immigrants who have been granted deferred action legal status in the Oval Office Tuesday. Meanwhile, Obama still refuses to meet with any border security enforcement officers about any aspect of immigration reform.
In the meantime, a new question has arisen.
What does the new immigration proposal in Washington have in common with Obamacare?

The exemptions. The loopholes. The options.
In other words, if you like obamacare, you'll love immigration reform.

But not to worry.

We Trust Barack Obama
It has come to our attention that some bitter-enders are clinging to their opposition to S.744, the Gang of Eight immigration bill now being considered by the Senate. The most vexing issue for us is the skeptics’ lack of trust in the Obama administration’s willingness to faithfully execute the immigration laws. Since the whole bill is predicated on trust in Obama, we wanted to dispel any lingering doubts you may have about the legislation.

We trust Barack Obama to implement in good faith the border-control plans his Department of Homeland Security will submit to Congress within six months of his signing the bill, which is the trigger for legalizing virtually all illegal immigrants.

We trust Barack Obama to rigorously apply the requirements for legalization, rejecting and deporting all applicants who fail to qualify.

We trust Barack Obama to permit ICE and Border Patrol agents to enforce the laws as written, without interference from political appointees or pressure from well-connected advocacy groups.
(There's more at the link, but you get the idea.)
Yeah, right...

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