Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Debilitating Stupidity Plus Arrogance And Ignorance

Chris Christie has gone and done it again. Rather than appointing a republican to fill the late and unlamented Frank Lautenberg's senate seat, the NJ governor wimped out and called for a special election on Oct. 16. That prompted this response.
Gov. Chris Christie's decision to set a special election this year to fill New Jersey's vacant Senate seat wasn't met with open arms Tuesday by a fellow Republican, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

"All Christie has to do is appoint a Republican. That's the correct move for him to make," Armey said. "Now, I put it down as debilitating stupidity. The first rule of politics is 'Don't lose the friends you already have for the friends you're never going to get.' And if he thinks the Democrats are going to love him for being the guy who plays fair rather than takes the political opportunity he's crazy."
Christie has been making overtures to the democrats ever since he palled around with obama in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy. This move is likely to further alienate him from conservatives.

Not to be outdone, the democrats trotted out their own version of debilitating stupidity.

Dem. Congressman Blames IRS Victims For Being Targeted
Congressman Jim McDermott, a Democrat,  said that the groups targeted by the IRS had it coming since they filed paperwork seeking a special tax status with the federal government:

"I'd like to remind everyone what we're talking about here," McDermott said at today's IRS hearing. "None of your organizations were kept from organizing or silenced. We're talking about whether or not the American taxpayers will subsidize your work. We're talking about a tax break. If you didn't come in and ask for this tax break, you would've never had a question asked of you. You could go out there and say anything you want in the world."
The arrogance and ignorance of this smug asshole are just astounding.

I can't figure out who is dumber - those two idiot politicians (along with their brethren and sistren), or the idiots who keep electing them.

I think it's a tie...


  1. 1) Christie's vote option had me puzzled till I figured he's playing both sides against the middle. He's lining all his tokens up for 2016 and may even switch parties before then. Hitlery's going down for Benghazi, demographics give the Democrats a big edge no matter who the candidate is so the Fat Man is doing what every "Jersey Shore" dude would do.

    2) McDermott is an obnoxious asshole and he proved it in spades by basically shouting out that the IRS scandal victims of the IRS targeting asked for it. He'dprobably tell a young girl she deserved to be raped because she was wearing seductive clothing. Ignorant, arrogant piece of crap. OH, he's a Democrat and Obama pal. That explains it all.

  2. re: 1) - I agree with Armey. All he's doing is pissing off the repubs for nothing, because the dems will never like/trust him.

    re: 2) - agreed.

  3. Christie is trying to take Corey Booker out of the governors race... He figures Booker will run for the senate rather than gov...
