Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This Isn't The America I Grew Up In

Remember the Occupy Wall Street protests? Those bozos trashed property, blocked public access to parks and roads, committed numerous crimes, and otherwise behaved like the threats to society they are.

The government's response?
* Yawn *

Remember Fast & Furious? Hundreds of people, including U.S. LEOs, killed in a botched ATF operation.

The government's response?
* Crickets *

Remember Benghazi?

Four Americans dead in the service of their country.

The government's response?
* Coverup *

Today the Tea Party protested at IRS sites across the country.

The government's response?
Deploy armed DHS agents.

Sometimes I think this is all a dream ... a terrible, terrible dream...


  1. At least they're in uniform this time, instead of undercover and taking photos...

  2. I guess that's a step in the right direction...
