Friday, May 24, 2013

Quick Hits 2013.05.24

Some random bits of weirdness from around the Interweb...

Marijuana waste helps turn pot-eating pigs into tasty pork roast
With Washington state about to embark on a first-of-its-kind legal market for recreational marijuana, the budding ranks of new cannabis growers face a quandary over what to do with the excess stems, roots and leaves from their plants.

Susannah Gross, who owns a five-acre farm north of Seattle, is part of a group experimenting with a solution that seems to make the most of marijuana's appetite-enhancing properties - turning weed waste into pig food.

Four pigs whose feed was supplemented with potent plant leavings during the last four months of their lives ended up 20 to 30 pounds heavier than the half-dozen other pigs from the same litter when they were all sent to slaughter in March.
Pigs with the munchies. No word on whether they fattened up on Oreos or chips...

Demi Moore's new boyfriend Will Hanigan has a PEARL in his family jewels

Demi Moore’s latest yoga-teaching boy toy shockingly had a pearl inserted into his man parts as a teenager as part of a family tradition...

Will Hanigan, 30, met the 50-year-old actress through a series of yoga classes after moving from Australia to Los Angeles and the couple have reportedly been dating for a month.

“He had a pearl inserted in his penis when he was in his late teens,” said a source. “It is pearl farming tradition and he would always joke about it in Australia. He’d boast it’d give girls extra stimulation in the bedroom.”
I've heard of a pearl necklace, but this is a new one...

Council members abstain from vote on abstaining
Three members of a Michigan city council have abstained from voting on a measure that would have prevented them from abstaining on future votes. reports that Ypsilanti City Council member Pete Murdock proposed a resolution Tuesday that would have required council members to only vote "yes" or "no" on each issue unless they had a financial or professional conflict.

Mayor Paul Schreiber and council members Susan Moeller and Brian Robb abstained from the vote to show their disapproval of the resolution.
Wouldn't voting "no" have done the same thing?

The irony is strong in this one...

Bowling Shoe Law Being Debated in State Legislature
New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan (R-59th District) New York State Assemblyman Robin Schimminger (D-140th District) are sponsoring a bill that would cover bowling shoes...

It would require alley owners to post signs, warning keglers not to wear bowling shoes outside, lest they become wet and increase the likelihood that a bowler could slip and fall when they come inside 
With all the other problems New York has, this is what the state legislature is concerned about?

Spare me...


  1. Re the first, you can be sure PETA will step in and say it's harming the poor porker's minds...

  2. A pearl?

    Shoot I've had a "Titlest" golf ball inserted on the end of my ding-dong for years.

    Many of the numerous ladies I've been "intimate" with say they adore my dimples.

  3. NFO = PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals

    Third News - good catch. I totally missed that one.

    Toejam - the difference between sex and golf is that during sex, the more strokes the better...

  4. Oops, the link failed but I stole your story
