Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2013.05.03

Willie Nelson's 80th birthday was a couple of days ago. For some reason I missed it...

Hope you had a good time, Willie...


  1. Willie Nelson, the Liberal, druggie drunkin muscian who truly revals the dualiaty of human nature at any age.

    Hell, he's admired by everyone from the Liberal, Socialist stoner, occupy wall Street, Welfare parasite to the uber Conservative, non-drinking & smoking Baptist who thought Barry Goldwater was too far to the left to vote for in 1964.

    Drive on Willie. I hope you make it past 100. If you do you'll be better preerved than Tutankhamun.

  2. Somebody once compared Willie to an armadillo. They're both mild-mannered creatures that go their own way and do their own thing without bothering anyone else. Both are beloved in Texas, and both have a fondness for grass.

    This world would be a better place if more people were like Willie.

  3. LOL, gotta agree with you TIm!!!
