Thursday, May 9, 2013

Continuing To Beat A Dead Horse

This is my third post in a row on the Benghazi fiasco. I don't know why it riles me so, other than the fact that I come from a military family (father a WWII decorated combat veteran, mother an early WAF, I'm a Vietnam-era vet) and it was drummed into me from an early age that you don't leave anyone behind.

Obviously obama and hillary don't subscribe to that point of view.

Anyway, I ran across the following that puts a little bit of a different spin on things.

This should make even liberals understand why Benghazi bothers us so.
We have a report the president is being threatened and his convoy is being targeted.
We need to minimize security so as not to provoke those threatening him.
Okay, now we've got a report that an attack is imminent.
Okay, disarm the secret service!  Move security out!
We have a report the president's been shot! Repeat, the president's been shot!
Stand down all secret service!  We don't want to provoke the attackers!  One of the Secret Service intervenes and is apprehended by another Secret Service agent to prevent him from protecting the president.
Now, put out a press release that this attack was prompted by a youtube video and arrest the maker of the video.

Meanwhile one of the staff says "The president's already dead, what difference does it make? Can we move on!?"

And that - is exactly what happened in Benghazi.
Obama has a lot to answer to God for but I hope for now he answers to the American people and is removed.
Amen, brother.


  1. It bothers me a lot too. It's all very frustrating that the presstitutes don't want to make a big deal of it.

  2. 'Frustrating' is an understatement.

  3. bothers me a lot also and I regretfully never served. media is complicit in this.

  4. Concur... this one stinks from a BUNCH of angles... All I'm sayin...

  5. Randy - you are so right about the media... instead of doing their job they're working for the obama administration.

    NFO - it stinks to high heaven from any and all angles.
