Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Will Wonders Never Cease?

CNN, of all places, published a well written, well thought out article chronicling one woman's journey from anti-gun advocate to Second Amendment supporter and NRA member. She begins:
I am the mother of three amazing children. Before having children, I was a firm believer that guns were dangerous. But I did nothing to educate myself about guns or gun safety. I feared the unknown and the danger guns seemed to possess.
Then she married a Marine who obviously had different views on the matter. A few years later she had an unsettling experience at her rural home. Here's her conclusion.
So Mr. Obama and your gun control advocates: I am not physically capable of stopping a 200-pound man from raping me or my daughters. I am not physically capable of stopping a 200-pound man from entering my home and doing what he may. However, my gun is very capable of stopping such a criminal if such an act were to occur.
We live in a society where no one is there to protect us. The police come after the crime, not before. I do not have 24/7 armed protection like you do, Mr. President. Neither do my children.
So until you can explain to this nation why your old city of Chicago has rising murder rates by guns, despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, I will continue to support the NRA, I will continue to urge others to support the Second Amendment and I will continue to vote for those politicians that support my views. I will also support the notion of placing armed police, veterans, etc. in our schools.
Why should your children, Mr. President, be of the select few children in this country who are protected by armed guards? Why are your children more special than mine?
The fact is they are not. All children are special and have the right to be cared for and protected.
I am a mom, and I am proud to support the NRA and my right to bear arms.
 Well said. Go here to read the entire article.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Reminds me of time when my 10 yr old son and two buddies went camping in the back 40. They got to telling ghost stories to scare each other. They survived the coyote yaps but when the bobcat screeched I had three kids on the living room floor at 1AM!

  3. Yep, at least 'that' conversion didn't end in serious problems...

  4. Mel - Been there, except it was a cold front coming through that kicked up the wind and started tree branches thrashing around. We ended up pitching the tent in the living room.

    NFO - Agreed.
