Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Updates To Yesterday's Events

First, the weather: Yesterday's high of 108 was an aberration (Thank God!). Today is much more seasonable. It's 30 degrees cooler, with a forecast high of around 80. Much, much better.

I think I'll celebrate by polishing off those leftover Shiners...

In other news, last night obama threw an extravagant party at the White House.
The “sequestration” budget cuts may have halted public tours of the White House — but they didn’t stop President Obama from partying the night away at a celebrity-filled private concert in the executive mansion last night, with taxpayers footing part of the bill.

Take a good look. That's as close as us common folk will get to seeing the inside of 'our' White House for a while.

1 comment:

  1. So, he has the presidential seal on the podium for a stupid concert. But when he had a press comference with the Palestin...errrr terrorists leader. He had their symbol on the podium.
