Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Funnies 2013.04.28

Not much humor today, because last night was our daughter's prom night and I don't feel much like laughing. Just when in the world did she grow up and become a young lady? Last time I looked she was flat-chested, missing a front tooth, had a skinned knee, and didn't like boys.

What the hell happened?

 * * * * * * * * * *

Last night was our teenage daughter's prom night. She spent a fortune getting ready for it. $500 on a new dress, $200 for new shoes, who knows how much at the hair salon and beauty parlor.

When I totaled up all the bills I was shocked. "Wow," I exclaimed. "That's more than I spent to marry your mother."

Her response: “Yeah, well, you've been married three times, but a prom is a once in a lifetime experience.”

 * * * * * * * * * * 
I tried to save some money by tinting the windows on her mother's minivan and telling her it was a limo.

Didn't work...

  * * * * * * * * * *

  * * * * * * * * * *

That last image ain't no joke!

Just sayin'...


  1. I feel your pain, CTT. I really do.

    My daughter was my best buddy when she was younger. We went and did everything together since her mom is a lot younger than me. Mom worked and I raised our daughter.

    Then, very slowly I noticed a change in attitude. It started when she was about 14. Slowly, almost imperceptibly she was entering a rebellion stage. Growing beyond my reach.

    Now she's in her late teens I can say or do NO RIGHT. Everything is met with push-back and the patented reply: Mom said I didn't have to or Mom said I could.

    What happened to that 6 year old daddy's girl?

    They tell me that resistance/rebellion will stop after she grows into her 20's. I hope so.

  2. Yep, things change... And cost money too!

  3. Toejam - I hope so too.

    NFO - MORE money!?!?!

  4. When I went to pick an ex-girldriend up for our first prom, her ex-army dad was in the backyard with the other two daughters, shooting his .44 Anaconda. Made a big show of it, me standin' there in my tux. Even let me shoot it, "just to see how powerful it was.". He was pretty much a dick anyway, but that cemented it.

    Your last image made me think of that. I won't go into detail about the rest of the night though, because it won't make you feel any better. Let's just say that Maj. Dickhead didn't scare me that badly.

  5. I already have plans in place. Three of my buddies (that are some mean looking sumbitches) are going to be there with me to send her off and as far as he will know each one of them is a killing machine.

    Be back here before midnight or I release the hounds to go find you.

  6. Bear - if you ever have a daughter I suspect you'll come to share Maj. Dickhead's point of view.

    kerrcarto - sounds good to me.

  7. Oh, I've little doubt that I'll share his point of view. I'll just be a lot better at the execution of his methods than he was.

    Then again, hopefully my father passed down some of his extra-strenght Y-chromosomes to me, thus makin' it a moot point.
