Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Funnies 2013.04.21

I'm sorry. I usually try to keep a positive outlook on life. I like to laugh, and so I try to keep the Sunday Funnies feature of this blog lighthearted and humorous, no matter what is going on in the real world. After all, as the saying goes, Laughter is the Best Medicine.

But there's just not very much to laugh about this week. Tragedies in Boston and West TX make it a somber time.

And then there's the incredible, unbelievable idiocy of this nutcake. (H/T for the link to JWF)
This has been a horrible week for America on several counts, but maybe it exposed the danger inherent in allowing Republicans to run the government.  Their vote to kill background checks assures the next disturbed American citizen who wants to bomb citizens and engage in running gun battles with law enforcement officers will have little problem securing firearms and untraceable gunpowder for improvised explosive devices, and their assumption that Muslims orchestrated the marathon bombing all but assures immigration reform is finished before it started.
Words fail me...

I hope and pray that there are better days ahead.


  1. It's kinda ironic CTT

    Just when you think you've hit the bottom of the human septic tank someone like RmuseApr, who wrote the article titled: " The NRA and the Republican Party Made It Easier For The Boston Bombers to Get Weapons" bubbles up through the stinking detritus of slime.

    Go Figure.

    But that's what the 1st amendment is all about.
