Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Romance Pants Set The Mood

Back in the day, when I used to entice young ladies to come visit my bachelor pad, I depended on black lights and speakers the size of shipping crates to set the mood.

Now, thanks to modern technology, a young Lothario can achieve a similar romantic effect with just his pants and a very special zipper.
Sexy time officially begins when these pants are unzipped. You can probably say the same for most pants involved, but the pair we’re talking about is pretty special and it’s aptly called the Romance Pants. That’s because these pants are fitted with sensors that set certain things into motion once attempts are being made to take them off the wearer.

It all begins when the Romance Pants are unzipped. The lights are dimmed and the stereo’s volume will go up a notch to set the mood. Just make sure you’ve got sexy music playing because rap will probably kill the mood. When the pants are unbuttoned, candles flicker to life like magic thanks to nichrome wires and shaved match tips. Once they’re off, well, it’s all up to you now.
Check out the video below for more info. Don't worry, it's PG-13.


  1. What happens if the zipper short-circuits?

    If you weren't circumcised before you probably would be then.

    PS: Yea, black lights, Led Zep, Crosby-Stills-Nash & Chicago glow-in-blacklight posters on the wall, incense sticks (jasmine, my fav) a little Amaretto and my combo 8 track, turntable & FM radio hooked to two ginormous speakers.

    Guaranteed to seduce.

    Frankly, the female probably did more pre-coital planning than I did.

    Ah, the memories of long ago!

  2. Maybe I'm not very romantic, but that would probably make me lol.

  3. Toejam, that's a good question. I can only assume (hope?) the zipper is grounded.

    BB - Good point. Either that or spend all night zipping and unzipping them just to watch all the special effects.
