Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No More Big Green For Me

We all know politics is a sleazy business. And I understand a company's executive management doing what is necessary to not only stay in business, but to prosper. Nevertheless, this leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
There have been waves in the world of gun industry recently as politicians pass stricter gun control laws. Just recently, Beretta announced that they would move out of Maryland following new gun control legislation. Similarly, rumors abound that HiViz and Magpul will leave Colorado in favor of more gun friendly states.

Remington CEOs have decided to stay in New York, however, following a meeting with Sens. James Seward, Hugh Farley and Joseph Griffo, as well as Assemblymen Marc Butler, Claudia Tenney, and Anthony Brindisi. Shortly after the meeting, Congressman Richard Hanna announced that the Pentagon would award Remington an $80 million contract to make 5,000 sniper rifles over the next decade for the US Special Operations Command.
Can you say "bribe?"

How about "hypocrisy?"

I expect hypocritical BS from politicians. They trash firearms out of one side of their mouths, then turn around and dump shovelfuls of taxpayer money onto a gun maker just protect themselves from the consequences of their actions. But I had hoped for a more principled response from Remington. I guess money talks ... and in this case, it talks quite loudly.

BTW, if you do the math, $80,000,000 for 5,000 rifles works out to $16,000 per weapon. That's pretty steep, even by government standards. For comparison purposes, a brand new Weatherby Mark V goes for around $2400 (without a scope).

There are plenty of other firearms manufacturers out there who make quality weapons. The same goes for ammunition makers. Remington better make enough from that tainted government contract to stay alive, because it's not getting any more of my business.

And I'm not the only one.
Some gun owners, however, aren’t particularly thrilled about the news, arguing that Remington has turned its back on gun owners by supporting a gun control state. One commenter on the WHAM news site wrote, “I will never buy from a company that confuses 2nd amendment with 2nd class citizen. You deserve to stay in New York” and another offered to sell his recently purchased Remington rifle.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven...


  1. That it does, and Remington is off my buy list...

  2. Disgusting! I guess New York is what it is, I will be posting about this later, and you can count me as a "former Remington customer".

  3. Remington Arms new Motto:

    Money talks....No body walks.

  4. Jeff - I'm boycotting the whole damn state, and everything that comes from there (at lest as much as I can).

    Toejam - I like it.
