Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hillary Lied, People Died

Sharyl Attkisson, one of the few journalists operating today who is worthy of that title, has tweeted a few teasers about a soon to be released congressional report detailing Hillary Clinton's duplicitous role in the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi and subsequent deaths of American citizens.

Unsurprisingly, the report indicates that hillary's testimony was "incorrect."
Congressional Report: Secy Clinton's testimony to Congress was incorrect when claiming she was unaware of certain Benghazi security requests.
If you or I gave "incorrect" testimony, we would be charged with perjury.

In other words, hillary lied.

It must run in the family... 


  1. It does, and getting away with it does too... dammit...

  2. Did you see Rush's working title for Hillary's biography.

    What Difference Did I Make? The Hillary Clinton Story.


  3. NFO - amazing and frustrating, isn't it.

    kerrcarto - Sadly, she made a difference to the four dead Americans in Benghazi.
