Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2013.04.19

By the time this is posted I should be finishing up my first round of the weekend and headed for the 19th hole...


  1. LOL, good one! I'm off to play in a little tourney today, we won't even come CLOSE to winning, but it beats the hell out of a day in the office...

  2. CTT,

    Maybe you can convince Obama to go 18 down at your club in Texas.

    Then invite him to the 19th hole.....


    A pit filled with stagnant water and a dozen hungry alligators.

  3. Well, this post obviously got published a little early. Damn autopost...

    NFO - I don't win either, but it is a heck of a lot better than work.

    Toejam - I would never shove obama into a pit full of hungry alligators. That would be cruelty to animals.
