Tuesday, April 30, 2013

FOD 2013.04.30 Tuesday Version - Part I

obama has painted himself into a corner with his big talk about Syria's use of chemical weapons and red lines.
Barack Obama has often warned Syrian leader Bashar Assad about chemical weapons: Wielding them, the president has said, would cross a "red line" and be a "game changer" for U.S. policy, "with enormous consequences."
Now that there are multiple credible reports that the Assad regime has in fact used chemical weapons, barry has to put his money where his mouth is. In his world, "enormous consequences" means a U.N. investigation.

Yeah, that'll teach 'em.

Combine that with the obama administration's empty threats against Iran building nuclear weapons and North Korea testing missiles ("No, no - not more sanctions!"), and the image of America that is being projected around the world is that of an aging, toothless lion.

Now couple that with a weakened military resulting from overuse/overextension, budget cuts, and sequestration, and we are in danger of becoming a laughingstock.

Theodore Roosevelt counseled us to "Walk softly, and carry a big stick."

obama has decided to do the exact opposite - spout a bunch of big talk, while going stickless.

I think Michelle has the big stick in that family...


  1. I certainly don't want to get involved in another war. No boots on the ground, no funding for rebels. We don't have all the answers but a stout drone program would do the trick for me.

  2. Oh God no - no more ground presence. But the more drones over there, the fewer over here.

    Just sayin'...
