Monday, April 15, 2013

FOD 2013.04.15

Today is the day our federal income taxes are due. Here are a few related snippets, posted with minimal content:

Obama: We raised taxes, but the rich still aren’t paying their fair share

In a recent video made and distributed by obama's political machine, he reiterates his belief that the wealthiest Americans still aren’t paying their “fair share” of taxes.
“Obviously, there is still more to do when it comes to reducing our debt,” Obama said in the video. “And I’m willing to do more, as long as we do it in a balanced way that doesn’t put all the burden on seniors or students or middle class families, but also asks the wealthiest Americans to contribute and pay their fair share.”
Side note: obama taped the video while vacationing in Hawaii last Jan. 2013.

Tax bills for rich families approach 30-year high
President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress say the wealthy must pay their fair share if the federal government is ever going to fix its finances and reduce the budget deficit to a manageable level.

A new analysis, however, shows that average tax bills for high-income families rarely have been higher since the Congressional Budget Office began tracking the data in 1979. Middle- and low-income families aren’t paying as much as they used to.

Obama Tax Rate: 18.4%
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes for 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said.

“Under the president’s own tax proposals, including limitations on the value of tax preferences for high-income households, he would pay more in taxes while ensuring we cut taxes for the middle class and those trying to get in it,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.
So why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is and voluntarily give more of his income to the IRS?

Worthless hypocrite...


  1. Good points, and his 'excuse' for the low tax rate was LOOK WHAT I GAVE TO CHARITY, meanwhile in the budget he proposed, that charity giving will be capped... sigh

  2. I wonder,

    Did Joe Biden donate his Shotgun to charity?

  3. NFO - I don't have the time to go back and gather the data, but if I recall correctly both he and Biden gave a relatively low percentage of their income to charity several years ago. Once their returns got published and they caught some heat for that, their contributions increased significantly.

    Toejam - we can only hope...
