Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sequestration In Pictures Part III

In Sequestration In Pictures Part I and Part II we looked at the basics of sequestration - its origin and the overall impact. In this part we'll take a quick look at some of the 'curious' choices the obama administration has made in implementing the cuts.

As most of us are aware, the sequestration cuts disproportionally affect our military. Let's hope that this mess gets resolved before there are lasting long-term consequences.

Our men and women in uniform -- past, present, and future -- deserve better.


  1. That they do, and sadly ARE NOT getting taken care of... At least in any POSITIVE way...

  2. I'd like to think that if we could get every veteran, plus all their relatives, to march on D.C. we might stand a chance of getting things straightened out.

    Of course, I'm an incurable optimist...
