Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Low Can He Go?

Harry Reid is one of the most vile, despicable human beings lower life forms that I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.

Harry Reid Implies Sequester Caused Explosion That Killed 7 Marines In Nevada
On the Senate floor this morning, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) implied the explosion that killed seven Marines at an munitions depot in Hawthorne, Nevada was due to the "cutting back in training and maintenance" in the sequester.
Taking advantage of a tragedy for political gain while the bodies of seven Marines are still warm. I hope there is a special place in Hell reserved for this asshole.

Fortunately, as one would expect, the Marines are fighting back.

Marine Corps Rips Reid: "Pure Political Posturing On The Backs Of Those Dead Marines"
NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports: Now I can tell you, Marine Corps officials this afternoon are taking a strong exception to what Harry Reid implied. Saying that this exercise, for example, was planned well in advance, had nothing to do with the budget cuts. There were no corners cut, and if they couldn't afford to have all the safety precautions into place, they wouldn't do the exercise.

And in fact, one Marine Corps official told us a short time ago that he considers this nothing but pure political posturing on the backs of these dead Marines.
Sound familiar? It should. That's the same tactic the left used in the aftermath of the tragic Newtown schooll shootings.

Those people have no shame.


  1. "Dirtbag" Reid is just following the Chicago mantra:

    (per "scumbag" Rom Emanuel):

    You never let a serious crisis go to waste.

    Semper Fi Marines, Rest In Peace!

  2. kerrcarto - he'd probably enjoy that (Reid, not the devil).
