Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Treat

Easter is tomorrow. Here's what the CenTexTim clan will find in their Easter baskets.

In case you can't make it out, it's a wind-up Easter Bunny that you load with jelly beans, then turn loose. Every time he hops he poops a jelly bean.
The kids will love it.

My wife will be appalled.



  1. I want one that pees Merlot.

    OK, I'll settle for one that pees Cabernet Sauvignon

  2. Well, the Bible says that Jesus turned water into wine - probably a nice generic table red. Would you settle for that?

  3. Carlos Rossi Burgundy would be fine, CTT.

    Happy Easter to you, Old NFO and all the rest of this fine blog's contributors..

  4. Toejam, I've got a nice box of Burgundy set aside to celebrate with you when you move here.
