Sunday, March 17, 2013

Almost Forgot

I almost forgot the obligatory St. Patrick's Day Post. Must have been all that green beer...


  1. St. Patrick's day + 1

    Funny, but OH so true!

    I have first-hand knowledge since I married an Irish woman and have spent lots of time on the "Emerald Isle".

    Yes, many, far too many Irish love to booze it up and fight. Usually the fights are described as: feuds, affrays or melees to soften the actual brutality that takes place. Although the legal drinking age is 18 there are few pubs that obey and "card" the drinkers. I've personally witnessed crowds of youths as young as 10 or 11 drunk as skunks in broad daylight drinking cans of beer and hard cider on a main street. Almost always they go unchallenged.

    The Irish Police (Garda) are by nature: report takers. They are unarmed, impotent uniformed characters who rarely stray from their station houses.

    So the streets, in many cases, are governed by the law of the anti-social elements with very little respect or fear of any judicial discipline or punishment. I've been told, when I question this convoluted behavior: "Ah sure we blame the sin and not the sinner".

    By my personal observations the Irish culture breeds and promotes child-like behavior, welfare dependency and lack of self-esteem and individual responsibility.

  2. "the Irish culture breeds and promotes child-like behavior, welfare dependency and lack of self-esteem and individual responsibility"

    They sound like obama voters...

  3. CTT,

    The Irish, almost to a person, are so in love with Obama it makes me literally ill.

    I think it's partly because of their child-like embracing of a rabid envy of those who they perceive as "The Rich, over weight, pompous, loud mouth Americans". Unfortunately, the Irish don't realize most of those Americans worked their asses off for 40+ years to attain a comfortable life-style. In short, they don't understand the concept of "delayed gratification".

    See any similarity between the Irish and 5year olds yet?

    Many have traveled to the States on vacation (Mostly Disney World) and have briefly seen the Capitalist way of life plus the extrodinary wonderful weather. Then they head back to Ireland and to almost constant damp, dreary, grey-clouded skys. (last year I could wear a T-shirt total of 6 days all summer). They reside in County Council (government built, owned and maintained) estates where they live in semi-detached (two houses joined by a common wall) abodes, which if they're lucky, have 900 sq feet of living space.

    My wife (born in 1956 in the house) was the 5th child in the family. Her family lived in a 2 bedroom house. Mother & dad in one bedroom and the 5 kids in the other. It wasn't till the early 60's they had a bathroom.

    Although many Irish do emmigrate to Australia, Canada and the U.S. the majority of the Irish, as the typical social welfare dependent folks they are, don't want to emmigrate to a country where the welfare safety net isn't forever and the idea of working 2 jobs to improve their lot is not palatable. They are the children of the government and like all children expect to be nurturered by their benevolent politicians through patronage and numerous entitlements.

    In short, many Irish revel in seeing other folks who are more prosperous (Like most middle-class Americans) brought down to their level of basic life-styles. Sort of like kids envious of other's toys and who can only find happiness when the toys are taken from others. If they can't have them then no one should have them.

    So happily, they see Obama as the instrument of the destruction of the very ones with the toys they so desire but will never possess. President Obama is the Irishman's perfect storm.

  4. Maybe we should call him O'bama...

  5. I read a cartoon that said drinking beer to celebrate St Patrick's was like eating a bucket of fried chicken on MLK day...

  6. Sorry, I should have made it clear that I was being sarcastic. I guess some ethnic groups are just much more 'sensitive' than others...
