Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our Public School System Is Broken - Part 2

A little while back I posted something about recent incidents in our public schools that make me question the wisdom -- nay, the sanity -- of the people in charge of educating our children. Here's a few more examples.

7-Year-Old Handcuffed Over $5
The family of a 7-year-old New York boy is suing police and the city for $250 million, saying cops handcuffed and interrogated the boy for ten hours after a scuffle over lunch money at school.

Wilson Reyes, a student at Public School 114 in the Bronx reportedly got into a fight with a fellow student in December after he was accused of taking $5 of lunch money that had fallen on the ground in front of him. Responding to a complaint of assault and robbery, the police were called and took the boy to the local police precinct where officers allegedly handcuffed and interrogated him for ten hours, according to the lawsuit.

 I don't know which entity behaved the dumbest - the school for calling the cops over a playground scuffle, or the cops for cuffing the kid.

The school filed a complaint of assault and robbery. Really?!? Whatever happened to time-out? Or staying after school? Or calling the parents? Or common-friggin'-sense?

And the cops - handcuffing a 7-year-old. What's up with the big, bad, NYPD? Can't even handle a little kid? GMAFB.

Elsewhere, another 7-year-old was suspended for using his imagination.
A second-grader in Colorado has been suspended from his elementary school for “throwing” an imaginary grenade during a harmless make-believe game he was playing called “rescue the world.”

The innocent 7-year-old claimed he was, in fact, simply trying to rescue the world, but officials at Mary Blair Elementary School, in Loveland, Colo., said playing with a weapon, the pretend grenade in this case, whether imaginary or real, is unacceptable on school grounds.
The kid didn't threaten anyone. He didn't even throw anything real, like a rock or a dirt clod. He was just using his imagination (isn't that a good thing?) to save the world. What's so terrible about that?

As his mother said, "I think that when a child is trying to save the world, I don't think he should be punished for it."

The boy's response?

“I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended.”

Me either, kid.

(Side note: the kid can't even pronounce what happened to him. Do they really expect him to understand it? Idiots...)

Other similar incidents include:

In the school officials' defense, the kid has a record. According to them, a few weeks ago he made an imaginary gun out of his fingers. He's obviously well on the way to becoming a mass murderer.
Two final thoughts: first, it was depressingly easy to find examples of public school officials overreacting and behaving like absolute total loons.

Second, and more troubling, society has become so fearful and intolerant that we are now criminalizing what used to be considered normal childhood behavior. There is no longer any place in our public school system for judgment and common sense. Knee-jerk reaction and draconian punishment has replaced reasoning and teaching.

And I haven't even touched on what is supposed to be the public school system's primary responsibility - educating our children.

That's a mess for another day...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hell, I used to doodle pictures of guns, real and imagined, all the time from elementary school through college. Teachers saw me doin' it and everything. It sure makes me wonder what kind of things they'd do to me nowadays.

  3. If you give a kid a stick, he will point it and shoot something imaginary. It is part of life.

    It kind of makes me wonder how the liberal school teachers feel about Hollywood.

  4. You and me both, Bear. In fact, I've still got some drawings my son made in elementary school showing planes bombing something. Today we'd all be suspended, 'counseled,' and put on some sort of watch list.

    BB - And if he doesn't have a stick he'll use his fingers. As for Hollywood, you're right. it's okay for them to make all sorts of violent movies (and video games - we mustn't forget about the video games), but when kids imitate them all of a sudden it's a crisis. What a world...

  5. And these people wonder why parents are home schooling their kids?

    I would've been dispended, suspended, expelled, interrogated, water boarded, and eventually jailed if this insanity was around when I was a kid in school.

    God help us!

  6. Yup, it's out of control alright. Everyone in government employment, from local school authorities to the Federal drones on capital hill are marching to their own, or their institution's interpretation of the PC drummer.

    It's almost like a TV reality show. Whoever can do the most irrelevant and moronic PC smack-down wins. They achieve some sort of "Schadenfreude" state of bliss when they catch a child or even adult who, in their warped sense of justice, has broken the rules.

    What rules or who's rules? The rules they seem to make up and justify as they go along.

    Years ago, I think George Carlin did a bit about large corporation's or the civil service's all encompassing answer to a citizen/customer questioning their authority on a specific matter:

    "It's POLICY".

  7. NFO - WTFO is right. The lunatics are running the asylum.

    CD - I'd be right there with you. When I was a kid I used to carry a pocket knife to school - along with every other boy. And when I was in high school, on the Friday before the opening weekend of deer season half the pickups in the parking lot had deer guns in their rifle racks. of course, that was a long, loonnngggg time ago.

    Toejam - Policy is like cancer. No one knows where it comes from, no one knows how to get rod of it, but it can't be ignored.
