Monday, February 4, 2013

FOD 2013.02.04

Hillary Clinton recently stepped down as Secretary of State. Leftists and their media allies have hailed her performance there as a resounding success. Only one problem with that.

She's been an absolute flop.
American foreign policy under Secretary Clinton has been one disaster after another..

America's relations with its two main allies in the Middle East -- Israel and Egypt -- have worsened during Clinton's tenure. The new Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, is a fundamentalist who believes Egyptians should "nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred" toward Israel and who is now acting to consolidate his power. Obama, who at one point publicly doubted whether Egypt was our ally anymore, has continued the practice of providing arms to Egypt.

After the questionable intervention in Libya, a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack, thanks in large part to the failure by Clinton's department to take seriously repeated requests for additional security at the consulate in Benghazi. For weeks after the attack, Secretary Clinton participated in deceiving the public about its nature and cause...

Clinton's last visit to China was met with open hostility by Beijing. The U.S. has made no progress in curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions. After a much-ballyhooed "reset" -- which came at the cost of alienating our allies in Eastern Europe -- relations with Russia are as bad as they have been since the Cold War. They are so bad, in fact, that Russia has just banned the American adoption of Russian babies. As Obama nominee Chuck Hagel has pointed out, our Libyan intervention provided Russia with an additional ironclad excuse to keep working against us in Syria, where the ongoing civil war has killed 60,000 and a serious danger exists of the regime's chemical weapons falling into terrorists' hands.

One of the few areas where U.S. foreign relations have not deteriorated seems to be North Korea, whose U.S. relations remain as terrible as they were in the Bush and Clinton eras.

Last June, a Pew Research Center study of global attitudes toward the U.S. found that they have worsened in pretty much every country except Japan. Approval of the Obama administration's polices have dropped by double-digit margins everywhere in the world since 2009.
To be fair, it's not entirely her fault. She was just carrying out obama's policies. But she must shoulder some of the responsibility for four years of deteriorating relations with just about every country in the world. (Previous post here.)

In a sane world she would slink off with her tail between her legs, never daring to show her face in polite company again.

Instead, she is the leading candidate for President in 2016.

What a topsy-turvy world we live in...


  1. Yep, her 'successes' would have gotten 'most' people fired a long time ago...

  2. It's sad when your foreign policy greatest success is maintaining our relationship with N. Korea at the same level it was before you took office...
