Monday, January 28, 2013

FOD Part Two 2013.01.28

Just ran across this. It got me so mad that it damn near made my blood literally boil.

Lifted in it's entirety from here.

Obama Cracks Joke When Asked About Four Dead Americans In Benghazi
When Steve Kroft of CBS News finally got around to asking President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi resulting in the death of four brave Americans, President Obama decided it would be a good time to go for laughs. 
You know, I remember Bob Gates, you know, first thing he said to me, I think maybe first week or two that I was there and we were meeting in the Oval Office and he, obviously, been through seven presidents or something. And he says, "Mr. President, one thing I can guarantee you is that at this moment, somewhere, somehow, somebody in the federal government is screwing up." (Laughter)
It's disgusting to write-off the complete and total failure in Benghazi as nothing more than "someone in the federal government screwing up," it's even more enraging to do so in such a casual and flip way that is meant to engender laughter. 

Four Americans are dead.  They died while they fought off al-Qaeda terrorists whom President Obama assured us were "on the run" thanks to his leadership.  They died waiting for help that never came. 

It isn't funny, Mr. President.  You're right, somebody in the federal government screwed up.  You just don't realize who it was.
After that last paragraph, nothing further needs to be said.


  1. Gah... And STILL no one is held responsible...

  2. I didn't have the stomach to watch the 60 Minutes Lovefest, and having read this, I'm glad I didn't. I probably would have ruined a perfectly good flat screen. He makes me sick. So does she.

  3. NFO - but, but ... Hillary said she took "full responsibility"...

    Jim - like the flu, but much, much worse.

  4. Just the sound of his voice makes my stomach turn. I take every chance to not hear anything that falls out of his stinking lying piehole.

  5. kerrcarto - I was driving down to Laredo today switching back and forth between a few talk radio stations. One of them started broadcasting his speech about immigration reform. I sprained my finger punching the button to change stations...
