Saturday, January 19, 2013

Adjudicate This!

Far be it from me to take pleasure in the misery of others, but in this case I can't help but feel a tiny warm glow deep down in the dark recesses of my soul.

There are two law school graduates for every job opening.
Nationally there are twice as many graduates as there are jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the economy will provide 21,880 new jobs for lawyers annually between 2010 and 2020; law schools since 2010, however, have produced more than 44,000 graduates each year. Yet schools continue to enroll more students than the market demands and to raise tuition faster than inflation. The result is exploding debt loads for current students and graduates whose employment prospects are appalling.

To be sure, the employment prospects for Americans across a broad swath of society have been grim in recent years. But the legal profession has clearly lost any reputation it might have once had as a safe, prosperous haven in troubled times.
Maybe if we had fewer lawyers there would be fewer burdensome regulations and fewer cases of lawsuit abuse hamstringing the economy.

Not to mention fewer lawyers screwing their clients - literally.
An Eagan (MN) lawyer is suspended indefinitely after having an affair with a client whom he represented in a divorce, then billing her for time they spent having sex.

The woman met with Lowe in August 2011 to discuss pursuing a divorce from her husband.

He agreed to represent her. During a phone call days later, Lowe asked about her sexual relationship with her husband, commented on her appearance and asked if she was interested in sex with him.

The following month, they began an affair that lasted until March. At various points, Lowe billed the woman for legal services on the dates of their sexual encounters, coding the time as meetings or drafting memos.
It wasn't his first time breaking the rules, either.
In addition to a few previous citations for issues of decorum, Lowe was placed on probation in 1997 for using cocaine and being involved in purchasing the drug from a client.
On the bright side, that's one more job opening for a recent graduate...


  1. We were told in a college orientation session last summer, that there are 600% more psychology majors/grads than there are jobs for in their field.

    You would think our world should be a lot less crazy with that many psych majors on the streets.

  2. Angry, depressed, frustrated psych majors...
